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Round Lake West Pit Hosts MAA Safety Committee

On June 14, 2024, Gerken Materials, Inc. hosted the Michigan Aggregate Association’s Safety Committee at the Round Lake West Pit in Addison, Michigan. Todd Crane hosted the group and provided a tour of the mine site.

MAA protects and promotes the interests, growth, and welfare of the Michigan aggregates industry.

“They continue to fight for our trades, and days like these allow us to meet managers, owners, and operators from different facilities, put names with faces, share information, and realize how we all share the same dirt,” says Todd.

Special thanks to Kevin and Jake from AIS Construction Equipment for providing lunch and bringing a John Deere® 904 Wheel Loader for show-and-tell, and to Tim and the Round Lake West Pit team for the hospitality.

Round Lake West Pit Hosts MAA Safety Committee
Round Lake West Pit Hosts MAA Safety Committee
Round Lake West Pit Hosts MAA Safety Committee
Round Lake West Pit Hosts MAA Safety Committee
Round Lake West Pit Hosts MAA Safety Committee
Round Lake West Pit Hosts MAA Safety Committee
Round Lake West Pit Hosts MAA Safety Committee